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My work with the Evolution Payroll system has exposed me to ancillary
aspects of the payroll business, such as Hartford's XactPay
pay-as-you-go Workers Compensation product. Though I can't really advise on insurance matters,
since late 2008 I have gained an enormous experience with the communications protocols required
to connect a payroll system with Hartford's web services platform.
Working with both the traditional XactPay platform, as well as the newer XactPay Xpress, I've developed:
These allow me to make integration smooth, reliable, and accurate.
Normally, bringing a new payroll service bureau online with Hartford takes at least six weeks of planning and testing, but with my XactTransact software, testing is just a few hours and doesn't typically involve the customer. We install it, and it works.
Implemented in daily production at numerous customers, my XactTransact software integrates into both Evolution and Execupay — at the same time! — and has been designed to expand to multiple payroll systems as needed.
If you're considering Hartford's XactPay product for your payroll service bureau, you'll find that I can be a resource saving you weeks of time.
Software — My XactTransact software has been in production for more than a year, at multiple service bureaus, integrating simultaneously into multiple payroll systems.
If you're using Evolution or Execupay, the software is ready now to connect you with Hartford.
If you're using a different payroll system, it's likely that XactTransact can be customized far less costly than implementing the whole system yourself.
How can I help you get up and running?
Note: if you are an employer looking to contract with Hartford Workers Compensation insurance, please contact your payroll service. I have nothing to do with the sales or contract cycle — I consult to payroll services only.